England, part three
The third part of my trip to England began on Monday the 24th. Nina and I took the train from London to Tunbridge Wells, where her mother picked us up. We then visited her adorable grandmother, had tea and drove past Nina's old school. Then, we went to her parents' house and had a lovely home-cooked meal. After some TV and late-night chatting, Nina and I got to sleep in in the quiet country. The next morning, we went for a little country ramble. Here are photos of her house, where I will be spending Christmas this year:

While Nina and family went to pick out a new puppy (I will meet him at Christmas!) I got on a train back to London. There, I met Ben Anderson-Bauer, a "mate" from my middle/high school days. It was really great to see him, we had a lot to talk about. We were two expatriots on levels: Americans in Britain, kids who escaped Itasca County. Anyway, I was feeling a little under the weather, but Ben cheered me right up. That evening, I went out to dinner with Nina and her parents and had a lovely time but began feeling a bit worse... By night, I was feeing awful. I had a slight fever and slept heavily. Back in Edinburgh, after a train ride that never seemed to end, I discovered I had tonsillitis! Oh no! I'm feeling better now, but it was AWFUL. Fortunately, I was healthy for most of my trip, and I had a marvelous time.

While Nina and family went to pick out a new puppy (I will meet him at Christmas!) I got on a train back to London. There, I met Ben Anderson-Bauer, a "mate" from my middle/high school days. It was really great to see him, we had a lot to talk about. We were two expatriots on levels: Americans in Britain, kids who escaped Itasca County. Anyway, I was feeling a little under the weather, but Ben cheered me right up. That evening, I went out to dinner with Nina and her parents and had a lovely time but began feeling a bit worse... By night, I was feeing awful. I had a slight fever and slept heavily. Back in Edinburgh, after a train ride that never seemed to end, I discovered I had tonsillitis! Oh no! I'm feeling better now, but it was AWFUL. Fortunately, I was healthy for most of my trip, and I had a marvelous time.
I have loved reading about your adventures in Scotland so far! One of my favorite book series centers on the history of The Rising and the Battle of Culloden. I have missed seeing you around this semester. I am soon to leave for South Africa and have also begun a blog if you want to check it out(http://iafrika.blogspot.com/). I won't have anything of much interest up yet as I won't arrive until January.
Take care,
I enjoy reading your blog, Anne. I did get to London and Dublin in September, but I had no time to get to Edinburough. Summer ended last night with snow and below zero windchill. 5 degrees F tonight.
Sounds like you having a good time. Keep doing so.
Your uncle Mark
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